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Días festivos en Perú

mié1eneNew Year's Day
mar1julTumbes Anniversary
dom1marFiesta del Nino Perdido en Huancavelica
lun1junLima Foundation Week
sáb1agoChiaraque en Canas
dom2febVirgen de la Candelaria - Puno
dom3agoSan Juan de Dios
mar3febSeñor del Cautivo
vie3julSan Jos
dom3julDomingo de Ramos
mié4marNational Contest of Paso Horses - Lima
lun4eneFundacion Espanola
lun4eneSeñor de la Justicia
dom5eneLabor Day
dom5eneVirgen de Chapi
mié5marFiesta de las Cruces
dom5octSeñor de la Asuncion
lun5eneVirgen de Fatima
jue5marSan Isidro Labrador
dom6dicCountryman's Day
dom6dicInti Raymi
dom6dicSan Juan
vie6maySt. Peter & St. Paul Day
dom7dicAniversario Puerto Maldonado
mar7abrVirgen del Carmen
lun7dicFiesta de Santiago
jue7abrIndependence Day
jue7julSan Ignacio
mar8abrAnniversary of Huancavelica
jue8mayVirgen de las Nieves
lun8dicArequipa Week
dom8marHu nuco
dom8marVirgin of Asunta
dom8marVirgin of the Ascension
mié8junSt. Rose of Lima Day
jue9eneReincorporation of Tarata
vie9mayAnniversary of Chachapoyas
sáb9agoVirgin of Cocharcas
sáb9agoVirgin of Guadalupe
mié9dicVirgin of las Mercedes
dom10agoBattle of Angamos
dom10agoNavy Day
mié10sepNational Dignity Day
mar10febSanta Fortunata
dom10maySeñor de Luren
sáb11eneAll Saints` Day
sáb11eneBullfighting Season
sáb11enePuno Jubilee Week
mar11febSeñor de la Buena Muerte
mar11marFestivity of San Martin de Porres
jue11sepDía de Caman
sáb11abrAnniversary of Huaripampa
lun11eneAnniversary of Moquegua
vie11marAnniversary of Cerro de Pasco
mar12agoImmaculate Conception
sáb12dicChristmas Eve
mar12eneChristmas Day
mar12julNew Year's Eve
jue1eneNew Year's Day
vie03abrViernes Santo

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Perú, restaurant, hostel, hotel, herberge, bett, bed, bed and breakfast, breakfast, desayuno, destino, viaje, voyage, journey, frühstück, reise, reiseagentur, travel agency, Hotel Islands B+B, situated in the heart of the city at only 5 minutes from the international airport at the foot of the volcano. hotel is situated and centric but quiet street just meters away from the principal attractions of this city in Perú. B+B. The restaurant has a great variety of national and international specialties Perú. the travel agency offers a widely spectrum of tours from a half day up to a week to numerous places in the mountains and on the coast of Perú, to the wild life and to the cultural high lights. Perú, restaurant, hostel, hotel, herberge, bett, bed, bed and breakfast, breakfast, desayuno, destino, viaje, voyage, journey, frühstück, reise, reiseagentur, travel agency, Hotel Islands B+B, situated in the heart of the city at only 5 minutes from the international airport at the foot of the volcano. hotel is situated and centric but quiet street just meters away from the principal attractions of this city in Perú. B+B. The restaurant has a great variety of national and international specialties Perú. the travel agency offers a widely spectrum of tours from a half day up to a week to numerous places in the mountains and on the coast of Perú, to the wild life and to the cultural high lights.